Sunday, January 30, 2011

Working Together for MLM Success

You cannot have great success in Network Marketing without working with others.  You must involve teamwork.  Working as a team allows you to build on each others strengths.  It gives you resources and support.  In addition, someone on your team is bound to have strengths in areas where you personally may need to develop more. Team work is a vital part to MLM Coaching Success

Working together as a team can take you further in the direction you want to go when all are headed towards the same goal.  There is also a sense of looking out for and supporting each other when needed. 

Here is a fabulous video by one of my favorite sites and resources for great books called Simple Truths.  The video is called Pulling Together

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Internet Scams?

Kim Klaver wrote a terrific article called "When is it a Scam".  The article is great and reminded me of the importance of understanding what you are really getting when you purchase training programs. I encourage you to check out the article.

There are a lot of great trainings out there and they are not necessarily bad.  You need to avoid getting drawn into any hype that may be promoted.  Have realistic expectations.  Don't expect automated results with little to no work involved.  You know the saying "If it sounds too good to be true....."

There are scams out there and you need to educate yourself on whatever you purchase.  It's also helpful to check out the free training that is typically offered.  You will get a sense of whether or not you will like their style of training, if it will be worth your while and if you find value in it.  You also want to be sure that the training will support whatever it is you are focusing on.

To Your Success!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

MLM Coaching Tip: The Meaning of No!

A great MLM Coaching Tip comes your way by the network marketing genius Tom "Big Al" Shreiter!  Check out this piece of wisdom! Not only is it entertaining, you will gain valuable insight!  Enjoy!